Saturday, August 29, 2009

1 Thessalonians 5:17

1 Thessalonians 5:17. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

I have been negectling to write in my blog. There has been so much happening that it would take a long time to put everything down. As to my chemo treatments. I went to the(CTC) Cancer Treatment Center last month. I actually felt better after chemo, whether it was the 3 treatments as opposed to 1, or the addition of the B vitamins and melatonin, I do not know, but I do know that I was not as fatigued as usual. I liked the CTC until I got the bill, which was over 3x more than Mayo for the same thing. I asked for an explanation of the bill, and never got an answer. That really bothered me, as well as some other mishaps but all in all, I like Mayo better. The only thing about CTC that I will miss that I can't get at Mayo is the Naturopathic doctor. I am not unhappy that I tried the CTC, because I have some good information that I did not have before. I plan on asking Dr Parapati if I can get fractionated doses of chemo at is worth a try.
I had to postpone my August chemo by 2 weeks, please pray that this will not cause me to loose the effects of the first chemo and that my CEA level is not high. I have no idea where it is, and this is a concern of mine.
One thing to note....I have lost my hair for the first time. Yup, as bald as an eagle. I joke that I look like Darth Vader when he took off his helmet or I look like a fuzzy newborn baby chick that has little hairs sticking straight up. Either way, it was a bit traumatic at first until I had all my hair shaved off, now I don't mind. Sure makes getting ready in the morning easier. No blow drying the hair etc.... I just plop on the wig, which by the way, is almost exactly like my old hair.
As to what I need now, I need prayer. Prayer that I will not take for granted the promise that I feel the Lord made to me about my healing. I know his promise was real but I have become so busy that I forget to pray as I should. I am not sticking to a good diet and have slipped back into my old ways little by little. This is bad for anyone but especially bad for anyone with cancer. Please pray that I will honor the body that has been given to me and will treat it with respect. Please pray that this next round of chemo will once and for all, bring me healing. Please pray that my next stint exchange on Sept 11, will go well and that I tolerate the anesthesia with no problem. Please pray for energy and a clear mind so that I can be efficient in my job.
Thank you for your prayers and thank you, Lord, for healing me.

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