Thursday, February 19, 2009

Exodus 15:2

Exodus 15:2. "The Lord is my strength and my song...."

I saw my oncologist, Dr Parapati, yesterday in prepration for my next chemo infusion tomorrow (Friday Feb 20th). It was a very good visit. My tumor leval has dropped 3.2 points in 3 weeks!! I am now at around a 12, normal for anyone with or without cancer is below a 3. She was very encouraging with the results and might repeat the CAT scan after this infusion or the next. If my tumor leval continues to drop at this pace, I may get a break from treatments. As long as the treatments are effective, then they will not push my body to accept more chemo than necessary. I told Dr Parapati that I was looking forward to the day when she was smiling ear to ear and telling me that the cancer was gone. She agreed that that would be wonderful and I told her how blessed I was to have so many people praying for me and that I believed that one day I would be cancer free. And I do believe that.

Since I know how strong this chemo is then I know what to ask for in prayer. I ask that I do not have diarrea or headaches, and that I am able to eat to keep up my strength. I also need to drink as much water as I can to flush out the posion in my body. I also had a sensitivity to cold in my throat which made drinking the water uncomfortable. Knowing that one treatment made a big difference, then I ask that this next treatment be even more beneficial and even drop my tumor leval to normal. I also ask that I am able to go to work each morning and I thank the Lord that I have been given such a wonderful job with great benefits.

Thank you for your prayers. May the Lord bless each of you and keep you under his wing.

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