Tuesday, June 7, 2011

James 5:20:13-15

James 5:20:13-15. Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.Is anyone among you sick?.....And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.

I have been unable to have chemo for a long time now. I had one chemo infusion about 6 weeks ago and was blessed to have my tumor marker drop 30 points, but since then my potassium levels have been too low. The reason is that I have diarrhea daily and cannot keep the fluids in my body. I also have the problem of not being hungry and have lost too much weight. Last time I lost 15 lbs in one week after chemo, most being fluids. I do not have the weight to allow that much weight loss. I have some precious friends who are bringing meals over and that helps me so much, but I seem to be very tired around dinner time and do not have the energy to even eat! I never thought that I would have this problem since I have always needed to loose a few pounds. I need to have chemo. Please pray for chemo, tomorrow, I am scheduled for Wed June 9. Please pray for my health and energy so that I can go back to work in August. I have been home too long, it is time for getting back to a normal life!!

Chemo scheduled for Wed. Thank you for praying!

I still believe in the healing hand of the Lord, and look forward to that day when I am told that the tumors have disappeared. Pray with me, please.

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