Thursday, September 25, 2008

Psalm 112:1,7

Psalm 112:1,7.  "Praise the Lord!  Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments." "He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord."

I had my appointment today with my oncologist, Dr Parapati.  The CAT scan showed that the tumor on the uriter is still there and has grown slightly from a 1.6 to 2.2 and my tumor level is at 11.  This is elevated from January which was the highest at 8.8.  With chemo this level went down to close to 3. (under 3 is acceptable for anyone) She has decided to wait and repeat the scan in 6 weeks because the tumor is not out of control.  Blood tests have shown that one of the chemo drugs that I had last time is not effective for me, so she will combine the one that did work with another one.  Depending on the next scan, I will start chemo around 2 months from now and will be on a bi-weekly schedule. 

Since I went "out on a limb" with my last blog and said that I believed God has healed me, please not think that I am disappointed about today.  The timing is all his, I am only saying that I believe I have been healed.  Whether that will occur today, tomorrow, or in the future it is all the same to me.  I feel that is is an easy thing to state the obvious after it has happened but I wanted to state a fact before it happens.  Call it trust.  Hope.  Faith.  Endurance.  It does not matter, just the fact that it will happen with his grace.  Nothing has changed about the way I feel.

I can see much to be thankful for; although I have been praying for total healing I have also prayed that the cancer would not spread to other areas, and it has not.  I am thankful that I know that I have cancer, because I can ask for prayer in this specific area, and continued prayer that the cancer does not spread.

Thank you for your prayers!

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