Tuesday, May 20, 2008

2 Corinhians 4:16-18

2 Corinthians 4:16-18. "Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, bit the things that are unseen are eternal."

The things that are unseen are eternal. Our salvation is unseen but very real. The relationship we have with our eternal Father cannot be seen, but one day he promises we will be with him face to face. Even though I have not seen the Lord with my eyes, I feel him in my inner being, I feel His spirit inside me. When I ask for comfort in a difficult time, He is with me.

This has been very real for me lately. Just last week I met with the oral surgeon about the lump in my cheek. The very first thing he said to me was, "You look good....you really look good....no, I mean it....you look good." Wow, this came from a doctor who sees sick people all day long, and all he needed to do was to look at me to know that I was fine. The chemo nurse was also in awe yesterday because I am taking both chemo and radiation and feeling good. Dr. Parapati (the oncology doctor) just smiles when she sees me. What is different about me? All I know is that I trust the Lord and He has given me an inner peace. Praise God!

Speaking of the oral surgeon, he will be removing the pesky lump in my cheek on June 2. He is concerned with my past history of cancer and does not want to wait to see what happens. The surgery will be done in his office. He will deaden the cheek and remove the lump with me awake. I am not sure this is a good thing with me being awake, so I need your prayers for calmness. I will probably have a sore cheek for a few days. Also prayers that this is not malignant.

Yesterday was my last chemo. Strangely enough the lab had a problem with blood flow earlier in the day and the chemo nurse could not get the needle in place and needed someone else to help her. After that all went well but I know that I did not ask for prayer for that day. I must always ask and not assume that everything will go my way!! But I did get a certificate of completion from the staff of nurses who came over to where I was and clapped and shouted for joy. It is a celebration when you know you have made it this far. Those nurses are great. All of them are dedicated and loving people. What a blessing they have been to me! Friday is my last day of radiation. I go in at 7:30 am and back at 2:15 pm and then I am done. All I need is 6 hours between treatment and this was suggested so that I did not need to come back just for one treatment the next week. Radiology celebrates with a big bell mounted to the wall, like a fire bell, and when you complete your last treatment, you get to ring the bell!!!! I was told that one guy almost pulled the thing off the wall when he rang it because he was so glad that it was over. Don't think I will do that, but I will ring the bell and be glad for it.

This journey is winding down. I will have a scan in about a month and then the doctors will decide when I will have surgery. I cannot wait for all this to be over. I have become weary at times but I know that this is all a process and that it fine with me because I have the assurance that this is all for my healing. Bring it on!!

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