Thursday, June 26, 2008

Psalm 41:3

Psalm 41:3  "The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health."

I now have a date for surgery.  July 29.  I met with my surgeons on Thursday, all 3 of them:
Dr Heppell - colorectal surgeon
Dr. Andrews - urology surgeon
Dr. Fowl - vascular surgeon
plus Dr. Callister - radiology
Each doctor has reviewed my scans and they have a plan for my surgery.  They agreed that the location of my tumors makes the operation very sensitive, and only when they can view with the eye will they know how difficult or easy it will be.  The tumor that is active has grown near or maybe attached itself to the wall of the urthera.  If it has attached and has grown inside the urthera it may be impossible to section out the affected area and put it back together. The reason this is important is that the urthera connects the bladder to the kidney.  If they cannot save the urthera then they will have to remove the right kidney. This is the absolute worst that can happen.  But the good news is that I have a very healthy left kidney and that I can live a very active life with only one.  Another factor is that this tumor is very small, so this could be in my favor. 

I am so blessed to have such wonderful doctors!  I was not aware until yesterday how blessed I am to have this team.  In preparation for surgery, I had several appointments starting with the financial office. She asked me who my surgeon was and when I told her Dr Heppell she said, "my goodness, he is wonderful", and then she said there was a recent article published about him, then she proceeded to look it up.  As it turns out, he was just named Vice-President for the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons and he is also Professor of Surgery at Mayo. (Not bad for someone I did not like at first who I nicknamed the Bad News Bear.....what do I know?)  Not only that, but she went on to say the other 2 doctors were also Mayo's best. Then she laughingly said, "What are you, some kind of VIP?" All I can say is that God is in the picture and all the glory goes to Him. 

This may sound odd, but I cannot wait until I have surgery.  Please pray that I keep this attitude and that doubt does not creep into my thoughts.  Also, pray for my family that they know without a doubt that this is God's will for me and that He is in complete control of my life. Thank you for praying for me and thank you Lord for healing me!!!!

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