Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Numbers 6:24-26

Numbers 6:24-26.  "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."

What a beautiful blessing!  I rarely read Numbers because it is hard to read, by that I mean all the details of the sacrifices in the temple and the old rules that Israel followed.  Now, we have Jesus and we no longer need to burn a sacrifice for our sins.  Jesus was our sacrifice on the cross.  This blessing still applies because the Lord does bless us and keep us, and he delights in us.  Most of us find it difficult to believe that the Lord of all the universe wants a personal relationship with us. But he does, our part is to believe.

I feel good after my surgery.  I was a bit tired today but I have been getting to bed late.  If only I could put my book down at a reasonable time and not continue reading well past the time that I know I should.  

I have several appointments next week.  One with the surgeon and the other with a new cardiologist whose speciality is the fluid around the heart.  To date, no one has been able to figure out why I have this condition.  I was glad to know that the CAT scan showed that the fluid had decreased.  If it had not, then I was possibly looking at having it drained.  A needle near the heart is not something that I want to have done to me.  I am hoping that this doctor does not give me the bad news that this will need to be done.  I think that I will start radiation treatments on April 21 and I was told that my chemo will begin before that.  That would mean that chemo starts next week, but I have not been scheduled so far.

I have a few days of vacation scheduled for April 18-19.  I hope that I can keep these days and start fresh the next week.

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