Thursday, February 21, 2008

Romans 12:12

Romans 12:12. "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

I admit that I am not constant in prayer. I let my day to day activities get in the way of doing what I know that I should do. I talk to God daily, but I do not always pray as I should. This is why I need the prayers of others. I do not want to take for granted my circumstances or become accustomed to my situation.

I will have chemo tomorrow. I ask that it go well and that I do not have any side effects. I have noticed that I cannot sleep the first night after chemo, and I need to rest. My rash is getting out of hand, so I hope I can get relief with some type of medication.

1 comment:

Kathy Hanson said...

It seems like the busier I am, the less I pray and spend time with the Lord. It's just so easy to let the day's activities get in the way... and so opposite of how I think the Lord wants us to be. This blog is very much where I am, too.
I know I want and need to keep setting aside the time to stop, and pray and draw near to Him - for myself and the people I love.
Kathy H.